HU EMPOWER - Starting Your Research: Page 3 of 8

Selecting the Right Source

Now that you know the wide range of sources available to you, how do you select the best one for your research?

If you're working on an assignment for a class, consult your assignment sheet first. Sometimes your professor will require certain information sources. If your professor doesn't include source requirements in an assignment sheet, talk with your professor about which sources are preferred.
If you need... You might try...

Background information, such as the history of the railroads or statistics on the number of children immunized against diseases in the United States. books    subject encyclopedia cover
Books or Encyclopedias

Popular articles about new movies or social trends.
magazine cover

Current information about a speech yesterday by the head of Ford Motor Company. newspaper   World Wide Web
Newspapers or the Web

Scholarly articles about the Chinese economy or the human genome. journal cover